The fastest and easiest way for women to improve their odds in the dating arena

To a large degree, success in the dating arena simply comes from not doing anything wrong.  It’s a little more complicated than that, since there are countless mistakes to avoid, but practice makes perfect.  I’d like to point out a very common mistake by women in today’s society that certainly will hurt their chances.  The following two examples are from chubby women who unfortunately have to struggle more, but really this is a universal observation.

Online dating isn’t working, daygame isn’t working

The first example came from a dating forum for BBWs.  The original poster was asking for tips on how to meet guys.  She’d tried a number of dating sites and apps already.  (I’d like to add that online dating is a sausage fest.  If a woman is finding it hard to hook up online, indeed something must be going wrong.)  Also, guys were never approaching her in public.  The few online contacts she gets seem only to want hookups.  Other than that, conversations fizzled out, and it was a frustrating experience.

The first reply was a brief note of encouragement, stating that this forum was the right place.  He indicated he hoped she’d find success.  Then he stated that the forum should be positive overall, where she could expand her horizons, and encounter new experiences.  He wished her luck and used the endearing term “baby”.

To that welcoming and positive message, she wrote an absolutely scathing reply because he used the word “baby”.  It’s quite clear that he wasn’t doing so disrespectfully, but her feminist programming made her think he was.  Later, her reply got deleted, either by her or by the moderator.

What are we to make of this?  It seems that being overweight is the least of her worries!  If that’s how she acts online, that’s probably how she behaves in public too.  Who in his right mind would want to deal with an attitude like that?

As for the few guys she does find, it’s understandable that she’s disappointed that all they want is sex.  Still, if that’s the only value that she’s bringing to the table, then what else can be expected?  If she wants an enduring relationship, that requires an endearing personality which someone will want to be around on a daily basis.  There’s more, but I’ll save that for another article.

How not to win a guy’s heart

why you are obligated to find me fucking attractive

Here’s another example from a social media post.  The text might be a little hard to read, so I’ll put it here, along with my commentary (of course).  This one is pretty bad – it’s full of feminist bellyaching, which is highly unattractive – but I’ll do my best to be constructive.  It begins with the title:

“Why you are obligated to find me fucking attractive”

David Deangelo said it best with his tagline (and book title) “Attraction isn’t a choice”.  If I listed the reasons why a hoped-for girlfriend should be turned on by me, and presented them to her with the most brilliant and flawless logic, that would be a Blue Pill game mistake on my part.  If instead I ordered her to be attracted to me, well, let’s just say that would fail much worse.  That’s just not how attraction works.

“Because girls who looked like me as a little girl are dieting.  DIETING.  There are 10 year olds eating fucking salads and lean protein.”

Not to put too fine a point on it, if they keep it up, they won’t end up looking like Honey Boo Boo.

“Because I am an amazing fucking person, not in spite of my weight and gender but BECAUSE OF IT.”

I hate to sound like Bill Clinton here, but I feel her pain.  I’ve had my struggles too, so I understand where she’s coming from.  Still, rather than shaking my fist at the world, I took another approach and got better.

“Because you, as a cis gendered man are oppressive by existence alone (similar to original sin) and this must be atoned for by dating and admiring people who don’t fit into your idealized conception of beauty.”

Someone took a sociology class, I see.  Still, I don’t believe in the religion of cultural Marxism.  That’s why I don’t do collective guilt.

“Because fuck you.”

Well, that’s rather charming and ladylike.  If she’d said “Because I want to fuck you”, then it would be a little better, but still a bit dodgy.  Best of all might be “Let us partake of delight joined as one” or something like that.

“Because attraction is more than just physical.”

OK, I’ll agree with that one.  Still, as I pointed out in Righteous Seduction, guys should try to look their best because the first thing anyone notices is appearance.  Good verbal game only starts working after you start talking.  I’ll add further, if the second thing I notice about someone is a nasty attitude, then she’s done.  That’s certainly an example of bad verbal game!  Like I said in the beginning, don’t make mistakes.

“Because finding an opinionated genderless or genderqueer superfat genius intimidating is fucking triggering.”

Most guys aren’t into butch looks, or women who believe they’re one of these new made-up genders.  The reason why is simple.  Feminine appearance is an attraction cue for straight guys, just as women prefer muscular men over hipster soy boys.  That means that things like weird hair colors, haircuts that look like they were done by gardening tools, bad tattoos (most of them are bad), and body piercings are a turn-off.

I’m pretty easy to please about personal appearance, more than most others.  Point of fact, I do give fat chicks a chance.  I give butch women a chance too, because I like seducing lesbians.  However, I have no tolerance for hostile behavior.  Neither does anyone else, with the possible exception of masochists and guys with no self-respect.  Even if the hottest woman in the room is acting snotty, I certainly won’t be helping her to cure her sexual frustration.

This is the big secret

Ladies, if you want to lose weight, I wish you the best of luck.  I’ll do even better than that and tell you how.  This does take a while, but stick with it, and you’ll succeed.

Until then, there’s a change you can make right now:  act friendly.  Smile, laugh, show a little joy – it’s not hard at all!  Being a little flirty is perfectly fine too.  I don’t mean you have to get all Miley Cyrus with it, just the charm you ladies are so good at when you put your minds to it.  If you like a guy, you can walk up and introduce yourself.  We’re not going to bite off your head for that!  This is how to attract a guy you like.  Trust me – it works much better than being crabby.

The fastest and easiest way for women to improve their odds in the dating arena

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